Sunday, December 1, 2013

How Gay Marriage Will Ruin Your Life

There is a virus that plagues our nation. It is an infectious disease and our children are susceptible. We live among many homosexuals who chose to live immorally and it is our duty as parents and as Americans to make sure these people don’t succeed in their attempt to corrupt the sanctity of marriage and family in America. Same sex marriage is immoral and the legalization of such an atrocity goes against god.  It is detrimental to the foundation of family and procreation, and it is unnatural. In order to prevent the spread of homosexuality we must take a stand. We must protect the pureness of the institution of marriage in this country like we protect our freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
            In order to live virtuously we must follow the word of god. We must use the bible as a code of conduct. The Bible clearly states that marriage must be between a man and a woman. Today’s society has done enough to disobey this code of conduct. How long should we let this continue? The Old Testimate explains that god wants women to be treated as property by men. In the last century, the United States has passed laws, changed social standards, and completely disobeyed and corrupted the will of god by allowing women to provide for themselves. Women were not to be seen publicly. Now we’re all walking around as “equal” citizens. Women were not to be allowed to testify in court. Now we’re allowed to study and practice law. Fathers can no longer offer their daughters up for rape and would in fact be prosecuted and imprisoned for such an act. The moral of society is being tainted as we are losing sight of what is right and wrong.  Legalizing gay marriage would be another step in ignoring the word of God. Some could even argue against using biblical references in law making, as it goes against the freedom of religion we build our country around. By “some”, I mean the atheists.  
            Apart from homosexuality being morally wrong, there are obvious reasons that it is damaging to society. A same sex couple cannot procreate. Human adaptation and evolution is  linked to reproduction and the preservation of our species. Two of humans of the same sex fail to contribute to the preservation of the human race. Marriage without the intention of having children is useless and wrong. The true meaning of marriage in society has also been lost. Not only are some of our states allowing homosexuals to marry, but we have the elderly marrying far past their child bearing ages. Also women and men who suffer from infertility are dishonoring the holiness of marriage by marrying for love, knowing that, together, their marriage will in no way contribute to society. These couples will instead go out and purchase a child from an orphanage as if they were some material accessory to their unholy matrimony. They are using adoption to manufacture a family and escape the responsibility of social contribution.
            Another argument for homosexual marriage is surrogacy or sperm donors. This would mean that same sex couples would be able to have children and be responsible for raising a normal child. The natural way for a child to be brought up is by a man and a woman. A child cannot be normal if he/she lacks this order. You can give a child all the love, support, and guidance in the world, but the fact remains that these things can only come efficiently from a mother and a father. The detriment to the child should be reason enough for this to be illegal in the same way that single parenting should be.
            People that wish to be homosexual need to do so with respect to others. Children brought up by homosexuals didn’t choose that way of life. They are given no choice. Homosexuals raise homosexuals. That is another reason why it is so important for solely straight couples to raise children as these couples always raise straight children. These kids that are raised in gay households are the most susceptible to thinking that it is okay for this kind of behavior to continue and are more likely to choose homosexuality for themselves. By misleading these children they are depriving them of friendships and normal social relations. Good parents protect their children from harm, disease, and arm them with knowledge to protect themselves. By allowing your children to associate with the children of homosexuals, you are placing them at risk of infection. Such carelessness is similar to allowing your child to befriend albino children or kids suffering from dyslexia. Allowing exposure to these types of behavior is irresponsible.
            America, though built on good intentions, has fallen into a state of disorder. We seem to have lost our moral compass and many have succumbed to the influences of the libertarians and Satan. In order to restore the order we must look to a society that is an example of what we want to become. The Russian government will not tolerate the potential spread of homosexuality to their youth and have taken action to immunize them. Russian President, Vladimir Putin has recognized the danger of exposing children to “homosexual propaganda” such as rainbows and same sex hand holding, and has passed laws against them. The government has also pointed out that homosexuality is equivalent to pedophilia. The Russian government cares about the citizens and their well-being.  Putin understands, and has explained that gays are creating hatred towards themselves. They must be protected from themselves and the integrity of society must be protected from them. They know that in some instances, violence is the answer if citizens are defiantly wearing rainbow flags in front of their children. They are extremists that accuse the Russian government of homophobia and discrimination. This is absurdity, as Russian government strictly prohibits discrimination.

            In closing we have a lot of work to do as a nation. But we have to start by stopping the destruction from continuing any further. We cannot un-marry the elderly or force these women back under veils as we are too far gone as a society, but we can prevent this evil from infecting our state any farther. Fight for our children. Fight against gay marriage. 

Monday, December 31, 2012

social vs. self acceptance

My last post was about women’s problem with insecurity. I cannot count the number of times I've envied a girl who, by social standards, is considerably less attractive than me. Jealous of the person she is and how attractive and fierce she is as a person, not a piece of art. In a social crowd she speaks with confidence as if what people think of her doesn't even cross her mind. I on the other hand, would find myself too shy to talk at all in fear of not sounding like her.

The reason for this is because it doesn’t take any work to be physically beautiful. We do not work for the genetic match ups that create the physical features we are given. When someone tells you you’re beautiful, you say “Thank you”. Why? You didn’t do anything.  Thank your genes. Thank your parents for choosing each other and blending nice traits to create your look.  If you skin color or face shape is more attractive than most that is something you can’t control.  It was a lucky roll that landed in the right combination to make you pretty. It’s like a friend with excellent fashion expertise buying you an outfit. Everyone will compliment you on your taste. You take the compliment but you didn’t earn it. They are complimenting your friend’s style. You are just wearing it.

So as I stand next to the girl who will never have my fortunate genetic makeup, if you asked anyone they would say that the feelings of envy and jealousy must be hers of me. But she is happy. She is confident and for that reason lives a better life and that is something to be jealous of. We place so much emphasis on beauty that when women are looking for happiness they contort their bodies and mask their faces to become “beautiful” because they are unhappy. Being beautiful will make them happy because all of these beautiful women are happy.

You sure?

So why am I standing next to this girl ashamed that I am not more like her. Because When people look at me they don’t see me. They see a pretty picture and so they have set a standard for me to meet. but have I met that standard for myself? Am I happy with myself? No. But she is. She is proud of who she is. All those annoying cliché quotes fall into perspective for me as I look in the mirror and wonder why I’m not beaming with confidence. The ONLY way to be happy is to love yourself first. This is beyond easier said than done. A lot of women won’t ever reach this point of self-respect and these are the women who feed themselves to the dogs of men out there to feel beautiful. Because of course being beautiful makes you happy. And these men wanting you means you’re beautiful.

I’ve always had a relatively good head on my shoulders but I was a teenage girl. And I put everything before myself. Boys, beauty, acceptance, I never stopped to try and figure out why I was unhappy. At a point I didn’t even realize I was. Until I hit an all-time low. I had no self-worth. And I realized one day that everything I was doing to make myself happy was making me unhappy. I stopped settling for being treated like anything less than gold. Even if I didn’t feel like I deserved it. I worked harder and I earned a sense of fulfillment. I sacrificed temporary pleasers for future success and I changed the way I looked at being happy. Even if something was hard and made me sad or lonely now, I did it because I cared about myself. I made sacrifices because I knew they would be good for me in the long run. I was taking care of me. I was proud of myself and all of a sudden, I was happy. I didn’t care what I looked like because I was proud of the person that I was. That is when you reached the standard for yourself and you feel like you deserved the beauty that you were blessed with or when you realize the lack thereof doesn’t matter. And other people will realize that just being around you. This is why the girl didn’t look at me with envy. She didn’t need to she was beautiful. Not physical material that was incasing who she was, but her. And it emanated. And that is more attractive than anything.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Men are dogs. Who's training them?

Women, as a species, thrive off of attention. That is a fact. Any attention is acknowledgement and acknowledgement is flattering. You can act repulsed by the creep ball slobbering all over you at the bar, but the fact is without him you would feel inadequate. If you were to walk into said bar and were not harassed by the inebriated swine spewing testosterone, the first reacton would not be relief but perplexity. Every time we roll our eyes in disgust at those desperate simple minded creatures that are men, it's just reassurance that we are worth the attention.. In short: We're f***ed up.

         The problem with this, aside from the obvious, is that because of the need to feel secure we start to use men as tolkens of addequacy and dismiss the fact that they are humans with feelings and debateable intellectual capacity.

       This is the reason "nice guys finish last". When we are doted on and treated the way every woman claims to deserve to be treated, we are given the reassurance. Once that happens, another tolken is gained and we no longer need the attention of that man. so like the rest of the respectable, good, rare breed of men, we kick them to the curb and leave them wondering what is wrong with them, while we venture on to pursue the tool bags who will never give us the attention we want to be reassured. Why would they need to? They have  constant flow of beautiful, insecure women pining after them with the dream of being the one to tie them down: The ultimate tolken of adequacy. 

      The cycle is vicious and the underlying problem is the disease of insecurity plaguing women and the most destructive yet most ignored side affect is that we are slowly destroying all of the men that we claim are "no where to be found". but the they can't be found. atleast until we are secure enough to take them from the curb where we left them and accept the love and respect they have to give because we have already found adequacy in ourselves.